9 Delicious Vegan Recipes By Martha Stewart

Vegan food is better than ever before. In the recent past, vegans had a tough time finding delicious alternatives to animal-based dishes, but now there are so many food options to keep you satisfied.

If you’re new to veganism, finding suitable vegan recipes can be tricky. Fortunately, there is one woman we can turn to time and time again to provide us with the tastiest, best recipes for our needs—American legend Martha Stewart.

Today, we will guide you through 9 delicious vegan recipes by Martha Stewart that you can try making at home.

Vegan Recipes By Martha Stewart

From vegan fruit-based dishes to vegetable soups, our list of Martha’s recipes offer something for everyone and will surely inspire your culinary adventures.

Yummy Vegan Soups From Martha

1. Everyday Vegetable Soup

We start with this stellar vegan recipe, perfect for novice and experienced cooks alike. This vegetable soup is super easy to make and highly versatile, meaning you can substitute various ingredients for your favorite ones.

It sports a comforting and satisfying mirepoix base infused with tomato pastes and Italian seasoning. The result? A robust flavor profile, perfect for any season.

The soup is made with 8 cups of frozen vegetables, allowing for further customization, so you can get a large mix of textures and flavors with every spoonful.

With so many veggies, including crisp, starchy, and green options, this soup is highly nutritious as well as tasty. A magical combination!

Whether you want a light lunch or a hearty dinner, this vegetable soup will always impress with its rich flavor profile and hearty texture. It will soon become a go-to favorite for vegans and non-vegans alike.

2. Apple And Butternut Squash Soup

When the weather starts to get a little chilly, this apple-butternut squash soup is the perfect dish to turn to.

It features bright, vibrant colors that will also go down a storm in the summer months, especially at garden parties and get-togethers with friends and family.

The bold flavors shine through with the seasonal butternut squash pairing beautifully with the spices (coriander, ginger, cumin, and cayenne) and apples.

We love the creamy nature of this soup, which offers a blend of sweet and savory flavors. The combination of tender butternut squash, caramelized onion, and crisp apples creates a rich, comforting base, further enhanced by those spices.

The soup gets its luxurious texture from puréeing, while a topping of either diced apples, jalapeño slices, or a dollop of sour cream add further layers of texture and flavor.

We recommend serving this as a standalone meal with crusty bread, but it also works just as well as a side dish alongside a substantial entrée. Wholesome and indulgent, this apple-butternut squash soup is one to remember.

3. Roasted Pumpkin Soup

There’s nothing better than sitting down with a cozy bowl of pumpkin soup as fall sets in. Even better, this soup is incredibly tasty and very easy to make. The recipe epitomizes comfort and flavor, embodying everything that’s wonderful about fall in every spoonful.

The soup has a creamy, velvety texture, all achieved without an ounce of dairy – a testament to the magic of puréed roasted pumpkin.

Although simple to make, you’d never guess it with the soup’s extreme depth of taste. The caramelized sweetness of the roasted pumpkin, onion, and garlic melds perfectly with the savory richness of the vegetable stock.

Top off the soup with toasted pepitas, and you can enjoy an added crunch and burst of pumpkin flavor. Nourishing and indulgent, this pumpkin soup will become your new go-to this fall.

Martha’s Delicious Vegan Fruity Recipes

4. Poached Pears

Martha Stewart has the best tips and tricks for making the tastiest dishes possible, such as these poached pears. They are quick and easy to make in time for a speedy snack or for any occasion.

We understand that it can be hard to find vegan desserts that match non-vegan options, but this recipe has everything you’d ever want for your afters.

The pears have a tender yet firm texture and blend wonderfully with the delicate infusion of flavors from the poaching liquid.

You will adore the mix of cinnamon, lemon zest, allspice, and apple cider, all of which create a fragrant and subtly spiced syrup. This complements the natural sweetness of the pears beautifully.

These poached pears are elegantly presented and go down a storm when served with whipped cream, lemon sorbet, or crème fraîche. If you want a sophisticated finale to your meal, this exquisite recipe is the one to go for.

5. Mango And Avocado Salsa

This may very well be the best salsa we have ever tried. It isn’t just a condiment; this salsa is a flavor-packed sensation that vegans and non-vegans will love.

It is bursting with colorful colors thanks to the ripe mango and creamy avocado. One mouthful, and you will feel a tropical breeze take over your soul.

This salsa offers a symphony of sweet and sour flavors, elevated by the refreshing zing of fresh lime juice and a fiery kick from the habanero chili.

Pair with crispy tortilla chips for the best duo possible. It also goes very well with grilled or broiled chicken, fish, or other meats, adding color and extra flavor.

6. Roasted Apples

Like the above recipe, this Martha Stewart specialty is incredibly easy to make, with only one step to follow! Yes, it may be simple, but it tastes extraordinary.

One bite and you are met with a chorus of sweet flavors matched with perfection by the slight warmth of the cinnamon.

These roasted apples go especially well with a small sprinkling of sugar and a coating of cinnamon, which transform them into succulently crisp yet tender delights.

These apples are particularly versatile for vegans. You can serve the over oatmeal for a cozy breakfast, on top of a colorful salad for a burst of sweetness, or alongside some dairy-free ice cream to finish off a decadent meal.

Fresh Salads

7. Potato And Green Bean Salad

If you’re in search of a quick salad to rustle up, this vegan-friendly potato and green bean salad recipe is a must-try. In just 25 minutes, it will be ready from scratch for serving, so your taste buds can finally have that fiesta they deserve!

This salad can be enjoyed warm or fresh out of the fridge, and, for the meat eaters out there, it pairs superbly with grilled meats, such as steak, chicken, or pork.

The potatoes are sturdy yet soft, providing a satisfying bite, while the green beans offer a crisp snap with each mouthful.

We love the dressing, made up of a tangy mix including lemon juice, olive oil, mustard, and thyme. Infused with the salad, they give it a zest brightness, perfect for a summer picnic.

We highly recommend pairing this salad with grilled tofu or tempeh, as it adds flavor and extra substance. We like to substitute the mustard with a tahini for a creamy twist, too, and rest assured, it retains its beloved refreshing allure.

8. Radicchio Salad With Chopped Lemon Dressing

This radicchio salad with chopped lemon dressing is a vegan’s dream come true, with bold flavors and refreshing zest to lift any mood. Even in the darkest depths of winter, this recipe will reignite your palate with its crunchy, crisp texture and bright hues.

The radicchio has a slight bitterness to it, but this is tamed by the lively dressing made from whole-grain mustard, fresh lemon, a hint of sugar, and fragrant olive oil. Then, the fresh mint leaves take over, providing herbaceous notes for added depth of flavor.

This salad pairs seamlessly with hearty grains like farro or quinoa, as well as roasted vegetables. It also acts well as a side accompanying plant-based proteins such as chickpeas or grilled tofu. Once you try this salad, you’ll realize that you’ve been missing out.

Our Favorite Vegan Curry Recipe From Martha Stewart

9. Cauliflower-Sweet Potato Curry

Time for some delicious vegan curry in the form of this cauliflower-sweet potato masterpiece.

Boasting bold flavors and bright colors, this curry has everything you’d ever want with a creamy sauce infused with ginger, garlic, onion, red curry paste, and coconut milk.

The sauce envelops tender chunks of sweet potato and cauliflower, forming a satisfying, luscious main dish.

Rich with nutrients, this dish is packed to the brim with an array of veggies like edamame, spinach, and zucchini.

Each spoonful offers a magical blend of spicy, creamy, and zest notes, delivering a nourishing and comforting treat for those lucky enough to try it.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re a vegan or not, our vegan-friendly recipes above are some of the tastiest dishes you will ever try. They are packed with different textures and flavors, from crispy to creamy and sweet to sour.

From the zesty freshness of a radicchio salad to the comforting warmth of a cauliflower-sweet potato curry, these recipes showcase the versatility and deliciousness of plant-based eating.

9 Delicious Vegan Recipes By Martha Stewart

Recipe by Barbara HuntCourse: Martha Stewart


Prep time


Cooking time






  • Select a recipe
  • Prep your ingredients
  • Create your vegan dish
  • Enjoy.

Barbara Hunt


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