11 Martha Stewart July 4th Recipes To Celebrate In Style

The Fourth of July is the perfect excuse to indulge in all your favorite foods, from burgers to pasta salads and desserts to homemade cocktails.

Up and down the country, feasts are on display in backyard barbecues, and picnics fill just about every park.

Just about anything goes when it comes to what you can eat on Independence Day, but trying to decide what to make for friends and family can be a struggle.

Martha Stewart July 4th Recipes

Luckily, American icon and cooking powerhouse Martha Stewart has an abundance of incredible Fourth of July recipes for you to try.

Today, we are going to guide you through 10 Martha Stewart July 4th recipes so you can celebrate in style.

From sumptuous cakes to mouth-watering burgers, there is something on this list to satisfy everyone at your Fourth of July celebrations this year.

Meaty Martha Stewart July 4th Recipes

1. Roasted-Garlic Turkey Burgers

If you’re looking for a sophisticated twist to your Fourth of July festivities, this aged provolone turkey burger with fresh Sage is the answer.

It features a mix of aged provolone cheese, lean turkey meat, and fresh sage, resulting in a burger that is bursting with juiciness and flavor.

Perfect for grilling on the barbecue outdoors, these burgers boast a luscious, irresistible texture, guaranteeing a tender bite with each mouthful.

Adding watercress salad and grilled tomato sauce adds a pleasing freshness and zest, making this recipe a refreshing choice for your Independence Day celebrations.

There is no doubt that these gourmet roasted garlic turkey burgers will impress your guests this year!

2. Pork Burgers With Peppers

Here’s another alternative to classic beef burgers. These pork burgers with peppers are a fun take on Italian sausage and peppers and are bound to go down a storm at any Fourth of July party.

The burgers offer a wonderful blend of flavors. The savory pork is infused with aromatic fennel seeds and paired with grilled peppers and onions, creating a delectable sensation that is perfect for summer grilling.

If you like, you can substitute the mozzarella with your favorite cheese. We like to use provolone and add a sprinkling of garlic powder on the burgers as they cook for a burst of flavor. Whatever you use, your friends and family will devour these burgers in no time.

3. Chicken Burgers

Chicken burgers always go down well on any occasion, especially Independence Day! Firstly, these dark-meat chicken burgers are another tasty twist on traditional beef burgers, providing a savory and juicy alternative.

We love the sautéed vegetables in this recipe. They add depth of flavor and texture, improving and enhancing the overall flavor profile.

And, best of all, they are super easy and quick to make (20-minute prep time and 40 minutes altogether). Therefore, they are ideal if you need to make a batch of burgers quickly on the day.

Also, if you have some fussy eaters in your family, these burgers will do the trick. Kids love these meaty delights due to their familiar taste and toppings. A true crowd-pleaser for your Independence Day barbecue.

4. Thick Burger

Okay, there was no way we were going to leave out the classic beef burger from this list, so here is our favorite Martha Stewart beef burger recipe.

These burgers are oozing with juice and are packed to the brim with beefy flavors. If you’re a burger fan, these may be the best you’ve ever had!

A quintessential choice for a Fourth of July party, these burgers are simple to make but use only quality ingredients to get the best-tasting treats possible. The 80% lean ground beef ensures a juicy patty without any of that unwanted grease.

Generous seasoning and grilling maximize the overall flavor, while the sharp white cheddar cheese adds a tasty kick.

The toasted bakery roll also gives a very pleasing crunch with every bite. Satisfying and memorable, this thick beef burger recipe will be the highlight of your picnic!

Tasty Sides For 4th July

5. All-American Potato Salad

There’s nothing better than an all-American recipe to get you in the mood for Independence Day, and this potato salad is the perfect example. It is equal parts creamy and vinegary and is the perfect accompaniment for your summer cookout.

This potato salad recipe has all the classic flavors for a good old American cookout with its wonderful combination of creamy mayonnaise, crunchy veggies, and tangy vinegar.

There is also the addition of hard-boiled eggs, adding a nostalgic touch like traditional American picnic fares.

What makes this salad stand out is its exceptional balance of flavors and textures with creamy potatoes, sweet red peppers, crispy celery, and tangy cornichons – the best possible medley of textures and tastes.

6. Classic Creamed Corn

Summer comfort food at its best; this classic creamed corn recipe is not only ideal for Fourth of July get-togethers, but for any occasion during the hot, summer months.

With its fresh flavors, this creamed corn perfectly captures the essence of summer, and unlike tinned corned varieties, this homemade version is bursting with the natural sweetness and flavor of fresh corn.

You can also serve this alongside a vast range of dishes, such as grilled chicken, burgers, a pork roast, and vegetarian options, like portobello burgers.

Its versatility adds a touch of comfort to your Fourth of July meal, and its creamy texture and rich taste never fails to impress.

7. Shredded Carrot And Cabbage Coleslaw

You can’t have Fourth of July celebrations without a delicious coleslaw side, and this recipe is the perfect summer partner for any barbecue or picnic.

It offers a refreshing crunch, and its zesty honey mustard vinaigrette provides a joyous contrast to the smoky flavors of barbecued meats.

Whether you serve this coleslaw alongside pulled BBQ-chicken sandwiches or just serve it as a standalone dish, its versatility is what shines through.

You can make it ahead, so it’s a convenient choice for future picnics and outdoor gatherings. Just make it the day before so you have more time to party on the day!

The vibrant colors and crispy texture mean this coleslaw is a guaranteed big hit with everyone on any summer occasion.

Vegetarian Martha Stewart July 4th Recipes

8. Double Portobello Burgers With Roasted Tomatoes

When we think about Fourth of July food, we usually think of meaty, greasy burgers and hot dogs. But there are vegetarian treats that are just as tasty, if not more, like this recipe for double-portobello burgers with roasted tomatoes.

These burgers come packed with fresh flavors and a hearty texture that meat eaters will love as well.

The burgers are paired with roasted plum tomatoes, melted sharp provolone cheese, and peppery arugula, resulting in a burst of rich and savory flavors with every bite.

The cheese gives umami notes, while the roasted plum tomatoes add a touch of acidity and sweetness, balancing the savory elements nicely.

Infused with the tomatoes are slices of garlic and crushed red pepper, giving the burgers a subtle kick of heat, only enhancing the overall flavor profile.

Delicious and satisfying, these veggie burgers may be tastier than any meat burgers you have this year!

9. Grilled Ratatouille Muffaletta

In just 45 minutes, this New Orleans-inspired grilled ratatouille muffuletta recipe will be ready to serve up to 6 people (just make a bigger batch for more folks).

With its mix of tender grilled eggplant, tomatoes, and zucchini, you get to enjoy a hearty and satisfying base.

You will also love the combination of olive, pepperoncini, and parsley, all of which add a tangy and herbaceous kick, perfectly complementing the smoky char from the grill.

Sandwiches are a must for any Independence Day party, but this recipe takes it to a whole other level.

There is a perfect combination of crunchy vegetables and creamy mayo-infused olive spread, forming an orchestra of flavors and textures that will have your guests salivating.

We recommend pairing it with classic barbecue sides like potato salad or coleslaw to complete your summer feast.

Martha Stewart’s 4th July Mouthwatering Desserts

10. Double Crust Apple Pie

You didn’t think we’d forget delicious desserts, did you? To finish off your summer picnic, this double-crust apple pie is a must.

Comforting to the very last mouthful, this apple pie boasts a hint of tartness from the apples, only to be balanced by the sweetness of nutmeg and cinnamon.

The crust is flaky yet buttery, adding a rich, satisfying texture. Meanwhile, the warm, spiced apple offers up a cozy, familiar flavor, reminding you of its homemade goodness.

We can honestly say that this is the perfect dessert for the Fourth of July, with its timeless appeal and Americana charm.

Every slice will evoke memories of the best summer gatherings and remind you of why you’re proud to be an American!

11. Filled Fourth of July Strawberries

These filled strawberries are a must to top off your Fourth of July celebration.

Delightful from the first bite to the last, these strawberries are filled with a sweet, creamy mixture of cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, and vanilla, perfectly complemented by a juicy blueberry on top.

The juicy and tender strawberries provide a refreshing base, and the cream cheese filling adds a rich, smooth texture, making each bite a delightful experience.

With its patriotic colors and fresh, summery appeal, what more could you ask for in a 4th July dessert?

Final Thoughts

When it comes to your Fourth of July celebrations this year, don’t hold back – go full out with your dishes and show off your amazing culinary skills.

Our selection of recipes above are a great place to start and will undoubtedly please every taste bud at this year’s celebrations.

11 Martha Stewart July 4th Recipes To Celebrate In Style

Recipe by Barbara HuntCourse: Martha Stewart


Prep time


Cooking time






  • Choose a 4th July recipe
  • Gather your ingredients
  • Prepare your dish
  • Enjoy and celebrate.

Recipe Video

https://youtu.be/NECnkDM4jo4Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Filled Fourth of July Strawberries (https://youtu.be/NECnkDM4jo4)
Barbara Hunt


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